Set in the mythical world of Thedas, Dragon Age II download pc free tells the story of Hawke, who fled the nation of Ferelden during the events of "Dragon Age: Origin" and arrived in the neighboring state of Kirkwall as a refugee. Within the span of a decade, Hawke would rise in power and influence to become the legendary "Champion of Kirkwall", and the center of events that change the course of Thedas forever. The game focuses on Hawke's rise to power and is framed through flashbacks by one of Hawke's old companions, Varric, who relates the Champion's 'true story' to Cassandra Pentaghast, a Seeker of Thedas' religious Chantry.
Choices that players made in Dragon Age: Origins free download, its DLC content, and expansion pack "Awakening" can be imported into Dragon Age II and are reflected by allusions to Thedas's political state as well as appearances by past characters.
Dragon Age II download limited has a non-linear framed narrative story, mainly based on the protagonist's choices. Romance is reportedly possible with party members or with non-player characters throughout the game. New combat experiences and spells have been added. Dragon Age II is set in a new area known as Free Marches, which is referenced in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening but not shown. Unlike Origins, Dragon Age II free features a fully voiced main character, which is part of the reason the main character's race is fixed. A new city called Kirkwall and a new dialogue wheel based on the dialogue system from the Mass Effect series have been added. In addition, races such as the elves, dwarves and qunari are being redesigned. The game takes place across a decade, and saved information can be imported from Origins as well as Awakening. This data will affect the background story of free Dragon Age II download.
System requirements
Minimum Recommended
Operating system Windows XP 32-bit with SP3, Windows Vista 32-bit with SP2, Windows 7 64-bit
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo (or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater, AMD Athlon 64 X2 (or equivalent) running at 1.8 GHz or greater Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz Processor or equivalent, AMD Phenom II X3 Triple core 2.8 GHz or equivalent
Memory 1 GB (1.5 GB Vista and Windows 7) 2 GB (4 GB Vista and Windows 7)
Hard drive space 7 GB of free space
Graphics hardware Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB, NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS 256 MB cards ATI 3850 512 MB or greater (To run Direct X 11 - ATI 5850 or greater), NVIDIA 8800GTS 512 MB or greater (To run Direct X 11 - NVidia 460 or greater)
Sound hardware Direct X 9.0c Compatible Sound Card Windows